Blink, we missed it. Officially 8 weeks until Christmas?

Posted on Oct 29, 2018 in Art Shows & Events | No Comments

8 weeks until ChristmasHappy Monday, Tribe!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I’m sitting here sipping my Monday morning coffee, and trying to put my weekly game plan in order. The end of the year is rapidly approaching and nothing put it more into perspective than last Fridays’ carpool.

Thursdays and Fridays are my middle school carpool days. I have six pre-teens that I drive to school, and as we approach the drop-off, we hear the radio personality announce that they are going to give a Christmas music preview at 4pm that day. The restless car stilled. Silence for a beat. Then a simultaneous groan. Christmas music? Before Halloween? I didn’t think it could happen, but I agreed with all six of them. NO Christmas music until AFTER Thanksgiving!

Not only does the marketing rush hit us hard,  it isn’t even Halloween yet and Christmas decorations are flooding the aisles of every big box store. I’m not even sure where my October went. (If you find it, let me know…) Something about Homecoming…and soccer games, and I think I watched a little football. It’s all quite a blur. One thing for sure, my house didn’t get cleaned.

And, here we are. Officially 8 weeks until Christmas. Me, Captain Obvious, breaking it down for ya. Sorry Tribe…someone had to do it. Just hide your face as you sprint for the coffee pot and pretend you have something in your eye when you wipe those tears from your cheeks. Trust me, I’m not any happier about this than you are. For once, I’d like a holiday that is filled with hot cocoa, weekly crafts with my kids, leisurely days filled with the smell of baking cookies, sledding and oh, yeah, gifts wrapped before Christmas morning at 4am. Amiright?

However, I’m not one to wallow. So, I’m just gonna pretend that I’ve got this, WE’VE got this. Strength in numbers! Fake it ’til we make it! You’ve got the idea. I’m making my list and checking it twice, and November is going to be amazing. Now say it like you mean it, AMAZING!

Here’s what’s going on.

I know you love gifting handcrafted goods, and if you are like me, you haven’t even begun to shop for the holidays. (What? You started shopping in July? This is me, appalled and jealous all at the same time.) Anyway, I’ve got several events you’ll want to mark on your calendars. First is my Trunk Show hosted by the Dancing Eye Gallery in Northville. Hang out with me and the ladies from Dancing Eye, Friday, November 2nd from 6-9pm. Dancing Eye Gallery is a great little gift shop on the corner of Center and Main Streets in downtown Northville, MI. I’m bringing loads of new work, perfect for gifting. Did you know that Dancing Eye was the first store that ever carried my work? Yep. It’s pretty special to me. Can’t wait to go back and hang out with Theresa (the owner) and her staff. They are the best.

Next up, the Yellow Door Art Market is hosting their Holiday Open House, November 10th, from 10am – 6pm. Be the first to see all of the new handmade holiday goodies from over 60 artists and earn double points towards their new rewards program. The Yellow Door always puts on a great holiday open house. I’ll have the store stocked with new items as well.

Lastly, my only winter show, Midland Holiday Art Fair. This event is November 17 & 18th in Midland, MI. (sorry, my Indiana Tribe. I promise the website will have what you need to satisfy your gifting needs) Midland Holiday Art Fair is a two day show at the Midland Center for the Arts. It’s my first time there, so let’s hang out and have some fun!

Be sure to check out my Events Calendar for any last minute events in December, and more details for the ones listed above.

Hang in there, Tribe. We’ve got this! Lets grab Halloween by the horns and show October who’s boss!


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