February – The Month of Love
Holy cow! It is cold here in Michigan! Feels like we went from: is it cold enough for a coat? weather to, three layers just isn’t enough! weather overnight. My poor dog, Charlie, hasn’t been getting her daily two mile walk either, so we are going a bit stir crazy. And because Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter, we’ll all be snuggling in tight for a while longer.
Which is why we should be thankful that it is February! The month of love. Heart warming, even here in Michigan. Valentine’s day holds the most well known connection to February, but there are tons of reasons that February will fill you with warm fuzzies. Aside from stores filled with hearts and candy and flowers, I swear there is something for everyone. From the more nationally recognized holidays (like Valentine’s day) to the more outrageous and obscure, February packs them in.
I’m sure you knew that 2/1 was National Freedom Day, but did you know that it was also National Dark Chocolate day? And, while Groundhog day gets all the attention, National Tator Tot Day begs for your affection. (They are the same day, 2/2)
February 8th is Take Your Child to the Library Day, which may be difficult during a pandemic, but maybe read a book together instead? National Pizza Day is February 9th, and gloriously celebrated in my house every Friday night.
Galentine’s Day, is February 13th. Don’t know what that is? According to the Urban Dictionary, Galentine’s Day is: A day for celebrating your lady friends, regardless of whether they have significant others. Basically, a day to shower your closest friends with love and attention. Valentine’s Day then follows on the 14th. February 18th is National Drink Wine Day, new one to me, but I think I like it! And of course there is National Tortilla Chip Day on the 24th which falls in the same month dubbed National Snack Food Month.
The Month of Love is also well known as Black History Month. Did you know it is also American Heart Month? President Lyndon Johnson made the proclamation in 1964, and presidents have since declared February this honor. Continuing the Month of Love theme, the second week of February is National Marriage week, as well as International Flirting week. (ooh, la-la) The third week of February is Random Acts of Kindness week. February is also Friendship month! Oh my gosh, the list just goes on and on.
But, I think you guys get the picture.
Whether you are an avid celebrator of Jell-O Week (second week of February) or National Pancake day (February 25th) or International Day of Women in Science (the 11th), I hope your February warms you from the inside out.
xo Suz
P.S. Don’t forget your February birthdays either, my friends! Their birthstone is amethyst. Not only does the stone symbolize love, it’s a stone that is said to protect, heal and purify.