Moonstone vs. Rainbow Moonstone
Moonstone vs. Rainbow Moonstone, are they the same?
Hello, my name is Susan and I’m a self proclaimed rock hound. The wee collections scattered around my studio are proof positive that I’m addicted to rocks of all kinds. AND, I design jewelry. Hello. Dead giveaway.
Remember those Hallmark calendars that had the lists of birthstones in the back? Yep, I always begged my mother for those calendars so that I could check out which stone matched the month. Back in the 70’s, you didn’t get 3 stone choices, it was one and done. My birthday was in June, and my birthstone was pearl. Which as a kid was suuuuuuper boring. And, pearl…not even a STONE! I always felt slighted. So, imagine my surprise when they (not sure who “they” actually are…the birthstone police? Hallmark execs? Kay Jewelers?) added alternate birthstones to the ever popular birthstone list. We then had traditional birthstones and MODERN birthstones. How clever. So, at some point my birthstone choices became pearl, alexandrite, and moonstone. A girl loves choices.
Well, now I can get behind that, because rainbow moonstone is pretty fantastic, right?? I mean all that flashy color in a typically translucent stone. Ooh, la la. Flashy like my moods. Then, of course, because I like to learn about the stones that I use, I discovered that moonstone, and rainbow moonstone may not be the same at all. In fact, depending on the resource, some people call rainbow moonstone — White Labradorite.
Does this mean, it’s not moonstone? But it’s called moonstone. This was very troubling. Everything I thought I knew was now in question. AND, most of all, can I even use this as my birthstone any longer?? Or am I a FRAUD!?
Now, here we are. I’ve collected information from a few good resources and now present you with Moonstone 101. Hopefully by the end of this post you will understand the differences between these two stones. My goal is to give us June babies the knowledge we need to make knowledgable choices going forward.
According to the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) moonstone belongs to the feldspar group of minerals, orthoclase. The stone is known for its adularescence, which is a fancy term for an optical phenomenon that makes stones such as moonstone appear to be glowing from beneath their surface. Moonstone, often associated with love, passion and fertility, ranges in color from white to creamy yellow, peach and grey.
Rainbow Moonstone
The big question; are these stones the same? The short answer is, NO. They are more like cousins. Rainbow moonstone is a type of plagioclase feldspar. The most widely known stone of that group being Labradorite. While rainbow moonstone is closely related to moonstone (remember that feldspar connection), they are technically NOT THE SAME. Rainbow moonstone is essentially translucent labradorite and often has black tourmaline inclusions. Here’s the best part. Although it is actually a variety of labradorite, people in the trade refer to it as rainbow moonstone despite the fact that it is NOT an orthoclase feldspar. Nothing like making the water all muddy for those of us that aren’t experts, right?
There you have it. Rainbow moonstone is not in fact moonstone. If you’ve made it this far in my little gemology lesson, be sure to let me know if you like this post by commenting below. Thanks!
June 23, 2020My birthstone is Opal for October!! I have always loved opal and now I’m trying to collect a ring with every type of opal I can find. I have normal opal, bolder opal, fire opal and Australian black opal so far. Stones with rainbows in them are always the best ☺️
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020I like the way you think, Emily! Maybe I’ll be able to see your collection the next time I’m in Madison!
June 23, 2020I will have an opal infinity gauntlet haha! And yes absolutely I’ll make sure I have them all on!
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020The geek in me loves the geek in you and this comment! lol!
July 15, 2024Hello my name is Cheryl- Gemini here, what I want to know is I love both the Moonstone and the rainbow boots come my question would be anybody is it okay to wear at the same time the rainbow moonstone and the moonstone? I only ask cuz I don’t want any Crystal Voodoo stuff to happen because I’m wearing two crystals together and you’re not supposed to kind of thing. Where I asked a question after reading everything the lady had to say I was still caught between the rainbow moonstone and the Moonstone can they be warm together thank you too anybody and everybody that can give me answers thank you much let it be
Susan Collick
July 15, 2024Hi Cheryl. Do’s and don’ts for crystals are a bit beyond my expertise. From a jewelry standpoint, I believe you should wear what you love.
Liz trebilcock
June 23, 2020Sapphire, I like it 🙂
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020I always liked that one too. Super classic.
Debbi Stanley
June 23, 2020My birthstone is diamond or white sapphire. Goes easy with any other color gemstone 🙂.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Absolutely! And of course, diamonds are a girls best friend, right??
June 23, 2020Absolutely! And I related to your birthstone story as my kids are both June birthdays. When I went make a mother’s ring, I didn’t want to use pearl as I had a diamond I had I inherited that I wanted use in the middle of a three stone ring and my kids are boys.. I researched and used alexandrite and loved the outcome. I did grab a moonstone charm for my Pandora bracelet several years back in their honor too.
June 23, 2020My birthstone is opal and I like the white opal stones, not the pinkish ones 😊
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020I’m with you on that, Kailey! But I think my favorite is boulder opal. =)
Amy Taylor
June 23, 2020My birthday is in December so the traditional stone is Blue Topaz which I’m okay with but I’ve always like aquamarine better. Lucky March birthdays! A newer add is turquoise which I never really liked that much until you started using it in your pieces. I love the way you use it as an accent. xo.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Oooh, yep. Blue topaz is ok, but LONDON BLUE is WOW! I’ll have to show you some of that one of these days. You’d like it Amy!
Michelle Manser
June 23, 2020Garnet and I do love it… even though my birthstone should be turquoise! 🤣
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Yes! You and your turquoise habit, I’m right there with you!
June 23, 2020My birthstone is amethyst. I like it and I love all of your jewelry. 😊
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020You say the sweetest things, Kathleen! <3
Laura B.
June 23, 2020February birthday…. amethyst. 💕😎
BTW… brilliant idea! need to steal this (haha)
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020You crack me up…
Robin Gilbert
June 23, 2020I’m sure you know my birthstone but in case for some reason you forgot it is Garnet. I actually do like my birthstone as long as it doesn’t have to much of the orange color to it.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020I wouldn’t forget something like that! lol
Sara Armour
June 23, 2020Mine is garnet…Not my favorite. Prefer moonstone! 😉
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020I guess the proper question then is, rainbow moonstone or moonstone? lol!
June 23, 2020My birthstone is also pearl. As a kid I didn’t like it, but I like the moonstone, it’s pretty.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Me too! I always was jealous of August birthdays…peridot is just so happy!
Laura Gross
June 23, 2020My birthstone is either Topaz or Citrine. I love the London Blue topaz even though it is a treated stone and not natural coloring. I am not a fan of Citrine.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020London blue is soooo pretty. I agree on citrine. I consider it a “helper stone”. It’s a fantastic warm contrast in small amounts.
Annie Kidwell
June 23, 2020My birthstone is tourmaline – which I didn’t know, my birthday is in October. It comes in lots of colors, I really love the variety!
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Oooooh, that is a good one Annie! My favorite is the rare blue color. Nothing quite like blue tourmaline.
Becky Thomas
June 23, 2020My birthstone is amethyst. It’s not my fav but it all depends on how it’s used. I like it when it looks more natural like you use it but don’t like it as much when it’s really “fancy.”
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020I’m with you on this one! I love it mixed with lab and vesuvianite and apatite. (I call that my peacock color scheme)
Rayelene Umstead
June 23, 2020I’m also a June b-day and never liked pearls or alexandrite, but I love moonstone – sapphire and amethyst too.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020…and a very Happy Birthday to you, Rayelene!
Darlene wojdacki
June 23, 2020My birthday is June so I guess Moonstone would be my gem along with pearl. It is nice that it can be neutral.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Happy birthday to you, Darlene!
Vicki Smith
June 23, 2020My birthday is in May so emerald is my birthstone which I have never liked as doesn’t go with my color choices
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Emerald is a tricky green. It looks great with metal, but has a tough time playing nicely with other stones. But, the upside for me is that I’m a State fan, Go Green!
June 23, 2020Mine is diamond…not a fan!
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Plain diamonds have nothing on the colored ones! Blue and green raw diamonds are WOW!
Susan Moore
June 23, 2020Mine is diamond…not a fan!
Becci Longstreth
June 23, 2020My birthday is June 29 and I have never loved the June options….until I discovered moonstone! It’s still not my favorite (that belongs to Aquamarine) but I do have a ring now that is moonstone.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Happy early birthday to you!
June 23, 2020I’m an Emerald birthstone. I have always loved the raw green color of it, and I’m actually pretty happy it’s my birthstone!
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Green is always good!
June 23, 2020Happy Birthday!
My birthstone is garnet. I like it when it’s rough cut.
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020So many different shades of garnet…my favorite is green.
June 23, 2020Sapphire, I like it, but I prefer…. labradorite 😜 and watermelon tourmaline 💕
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Did you know that rainbow moonstone was a form of lab??? I was so surprised!!
Patty Eaton
June 23, 2020My B stone is Ruby for July! I’ve always been happy with it although at some point learned that it isn’t always deep red. But either way, it always made me feel special for having it!
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Ruby can be very pink. That surprised me too. I really love the raw ones…they make me happy. 🙂
Bernadette Lois
June 23, 2020Mine is October Opal !
I do like it, but I like some other stones better – like Labradorite !
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Opals look amazing with labradorite!
Emilie Aubuchon
June 23, 2020I’m a garnet girl.
Its alright. Just bold.
I’d prefer a more neutral color but have come to appreciate it with age. The boldness, that is :
Susan Collick
June 23, 2020Have you seen the different colors that garnet comes in? There is a shade for every mood I swear!
June 24, 2020My birthstone is Ruby and I love it. I liked them so much, we put them in my wedding ring.
Susan Collick
June 24, 2020I love that you bucked the traditional diamond and added the ruby to make it all your own. I think that is starting to trend more and more.
Angelle Batten
June 24, 2020Topaz and I never really liked having a yellow birthstone which is the only color I thought it came in. After reading your post I just did a search and apparently not only does Topaz come in other colors, I have the choice of Citrine as well. Still yellow/gold. Hmmm. Funny thing is I have rough citrine crystals that I am drawn to for meditation and the yellow feels uplifting when I hold them. ☀️
Susan Collick
June 24, 2020Yes! It is surprising when you discover a stone you always thought had only one shade, but it really has several. There are a ton of stones like that. =)
Kristin K.
June 24, 2020Sapphire is my birthstone and I’ve always loved it! My daughter is a June baby so I agree with you, Susan, that it’s fantastic June has two choices in addition to pearl for its birthstone because I am not a big fan of pearls! (Especially since I love personalized jewelry & have a couple of pieces with my kids’ birthstones.)
Susan Collick
June 24, 2020Sapphire is always a good one. Another stone that has a variety of shades if you get tired of blue!
paula wright
June 25, 2020My birthstone is ruby and I don’t wear red so it isn’t a stone I enjoy.
Susan Collick
June 25, 2020I totally understand that, Paula! That’s the way I felt about June for a long time. So after some reading, apparently you can be a gemini or a cancer baby in July and those actually each have different stones too. Maybe you’ll be able to find one you like from that?
Natalie L
June 26, 2020I’ve always loved my June pearls & have some DC beautiful freshwater necklace and lovely earrings. I don’t have Alezandrites but like it! That’s the Gemini twins coming out haha!
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Pearls and turquoise, fits you perfectly!
Noelle Wright
June 26, 2020My December birthstone is blue zircon which never really spoke to me. But I just looked it up to confirm only to discovered turquoise is also considered my birthstone. WHAT?? All these years and how did I not know this?! I adore turquoise and have always been partial to the less ‘shimmery’ stones.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Turquoise is your stone, Noelle!!! That’s perfect for you!
Diane Hachigian
June 26, 2020Ruby is my birthstone and I love Susan’s creations!!
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020You say the sweetest things!
Kay Thomas
June 26, 2020Hi Susan! My birthstone is ruby and sure, the genuine stones are pretty (and expensive). It lost it’s appeal when I learned that you actually have to ask if a piece contains a lab-made ruby. I’d so much rather any REAL semi-precious stone.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Learning about stones is a never-ending process, Kay! I totally understand that first hand. If something doesn’t look real, chances are it has been enhanced in some way. I love my vendors because they always give me the 411 on the ins and outs of the trade.
Karen B.
June 26, 2020I’ve never liked my August birthstone, Peridot. I’ve just checked out the GIA site, and will be exploring the other two options, Spinel and Sardonyx. Thanks for the info!
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Spinel has so many different color options, Karen. Everything from a dusky blue-grey to rose tones and pale yellow/white(clear).
Emily Fricks
June 26, 2020I’m a December birthday and no, I’m not a fan of my birthstone. I think it’s Blue Zircon, although I’ve heard of others as well. I much prefer my daughter’s peridot birthstone.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Turquoise is another fave for December, Emily!
Paula Ellis
June 26, 2020I’ve always worn amethyst as my birthstone with pride. But I am now curious what my alternate birthstone would be for February.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Well, not to disappoint you, but amethyst is the modern and traditional stone for that month Paula. But, bloodstone is the mystical stone for February. It’s unusual, and not something I work with typically. Reminds me of a jasper.
Jen Cheetam
June 26, 2020Mine is the Zircon for December but guess there are other stones possibly associated with December as well (?). I always liked my birthstone for it’s beautiful bright blue color💙. I loved wearing it on a necklace as a kid😊.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020I just learned that December has 3 stones (I thought only 2)! Turquoise and tanzanite are the other stones for December, Jen. Both great choices!
Laura Friedrich
June 26, 2020My birthstone is Ruby. I like it.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020I especially love rubies with turquoise. =)
Carly Plescia
June 26, 2020I am born in December so my birthstone is turquoise. Or, that is what I always thought. I looked it up online and found out that Zircon and Tanzanite can be added to the list. I am super excited about Tanzanite because I have a beautiful necklace and ring in tanzanite.! I love the beautiful intense blue color.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Tanzanite was a new one for me! I knew about the other two, but that one was a surprise. 😊
Stephanie Kaza
June 26, 2020Mine is garnet for January. I never liked it as a kid; red was my least favorite color. But now I love the deep richness of the color. I’m always on the hunt for the perfect piece of jewelry with a garnet stone. I’m not even sure what I’m looking for, but I haven’t found it yet.
Susan Collick
June 26, 2020Stephanie, I hear that. I think the biggest disappointment for me was finding out how hard it was to find that deep red in a ruby. So many of the natural stones with no treatment are more on the red-pink end of the scale. That said, I’ve come to really love the raw rubies. Something about the lack of polish and the rougher shapes. They really appeal to me.
Lisa Angus
June 27, 2020My birthstone is diamond….who doesn’t love diamonds 🙂 Though….I love the color green so it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if I had been born in August because I do love peridot.
Susan Collick
June 27, 2020dude…have you seen green diamonds? ugh, they are are so pretty they make my stomach hurt!
June 27, 2020Opal and it is my favorite stone 🙂
Susan Collick
June 27, 2020You are going to LOVE my Tuesday release. Lots and lots of opal. =)
June 27, 2020April is Diamond.
I suppose I like it…🤷🏻♀️ It’s made from compressed coal… I think Santa stocking lol
Now days they can create diamonds in a lab that are identical to earth diamonds which kinda makes them seem not so special anymore… 🤔 but whatever 😂
Susan Collick
June 27, 2020Raw blue diamonds are my favorite. I love that they are imperfect, but in a color that defies what my brain thinks a diamond should be. <3 u 2!
June 27, 2020I’m February—amethyst— which is nice, because I like purple! I struggle though to find something REALLY different in that birthstone that I LOVE.
Susan Collick
June 27, 2020Amethyst is tough…I lean toward stones that are more earthy, but amethyst wants to be refined! Looks amazing with labradorite.
Kristine Foate
June 27, 2020My birthstone is turquoise.
Susan Collick
June 27, 2020A December baby! Lucky you, you get zircon and tanzanite to choose from too! (and zircon comes in 2 colors that I know of…)
Suzi Frank
June 27, 2020I’m ruby, never been that crazy about it but my Son’s is October which is pink tourmaline so I wear his instead. Its a mothers perogative to steal her child’s birthstone.
Susan Collick
June 27, 2020Absolutely, Suzi! My girls all have good ones, so I just trade at will. =)
June 27, 2020Like you, my birthday is in June. I didn’t care for the pearl either for my birthstone- especially in my teens. I I felt better knowing the 2nd choice Alexandrite was an option but later found that a true one changed colors-
emerald by day. ruby by night…rare & too expensive to get. Overtime, I grew to like pearls.
I never knew Moonstone was a 3rd choice I had until I read your news blog.
If I had known it then, my heart would have gravitated towards it.
I like the illuminating glow and it is one that I can appreciate.
Susan Collick
June 27, 2020Happy birthday, Kimberly!
June 29, 2020Hi Susan & Happy Birthday 🎉🎈
Turquoise is my stone as I’m a “day after Christmas baby“ and it turned out perfect because
I love that holiday and equally love the stone….both blue & green!!! It fits me better than a gem stone…Just lots of silver and turquoise here and there makes me happy. Oh, and I love your new collection!!! 🙂 My mom & I miss seeing you on the circuit but I’m guessing it’s been nice to spend some time with your family…I hope you are all
well & safe. Interesting times we are living in….I know we will all get thru it. Keep that smile
brightening those around you & hope to see you soon!
Susan Collick
June 29, 2020Thank you for the birthday wishes, Melody! Give your mom a hug for me!
Connie Dyson
June 29, 2020Amethyst
I love my birthstone!
Susan Collick
June 29, 2020But labradorite is your spirit stone! 😘
Michele Cassatta
June 29, 2020My birthday is August which makes my birthstone Peridot. Admittedly, I was not a fan as a kid and young adult. Over the years I have grown to love it! It looks nice with my complexion so I think I can pull off the jewelry. I have two rings but no other jewelry to speak of that contains peridot. I’d love to add more…..hint hint Susan.
Susan Collick
June 29, 2020I gotcher back girl! =)
Kimberly Hempton
June 30, 2020My birthday is August and my birthstone is peridot. I have never appreciated it – but really because I don’t gravitate to green jewelry. I am typically a bit bolder in taste than the peridot and appreciate the more natural looks of stones that are not completely uniform. I really love oxidized silver, brass and copper more than specific stones – but @daisychains adds a beautiful stone combination that surprises me every time! If you are looking for a true artisan with an eye for beautiful and unique combinations – look no further!
Susan Collick
June 30, 2020Thank you Kimberly! ❤️
Kristin Burns
June 30, 2020My bday is October, so your boulder opals are gorgeous & perfect for my special month!💗 The Moonstones are amazing too. Thank you for creating such beautiful pieces of jewelry. I love it in the morning when I decide which of your creations I’m going to wear that day. They make me very happy!
Susan Collick
June 30, 2020Boulder opals are a perfect stone for your birthday, Kristin!
July 2, 2020My birthday is in June and I love moonstone. Such a beautiful stone. Love the jewelry you make with it!
May 15, 2021My birth stone is moon stone but i am confuse between rainbow and white moon stone which one is best for me
Susan Collick
May 15, 2021Thanks for your response! I’m not sure what you mean by “best for me”. In a metaphysical sense, I cannot help you. There are artists out there that practice astrological readings and can tell you what gems are right for you. But that isn’t me. But…I believe that whatever pulls you in and makes you feel good is what you should wear. Sometimes that is moonstone and sometimes rainbow moonstone in my world. Some would say that metaphysically there is a reason why you are drawn to one vs. the other. I don’t discount that. I just don’t know the how’s or the why’s of it all. I just follow my heart and my intuition. I hope this helps you!
July 24, 2021Beautiful article! A question if it’s okay for you to reply to, I was wondering if rainbow moonstone (white labradorite) could touch water. Things like cleansing the stone in water, or rinsing it. Some say you could, some say you couldn’t, just like how opal couldn’t have contact with water in any way. Could you share your knowledge on this? Thank you so much in advance, I’ve been quite confused as whether or not I could cleanse my rainbow moonstone.
Susan Collick
August 10, 2021Hello, Rhia. Sorry it took me so long to respond to your inquiry. Let me preface my answer with: I am not a gemologist, nor do I study healing crystals, and I’m certainly no expert. I make jewelry. I can tell you that when I did a few searches I got very mixed results, so it is no wonder why you are confused on the subject. I can tell you my experience, so here it is:
If I pour water on my rainbow moonstone, nothing happens. I wipe it off and it seems just the same as it was before. It is a 6 on the mohs scale, therefore it is considered hard. I cannot for any reason understand why rinsing it in water and patting it dry would harm it. However, if your specimen of rainbow moonstone has many fissures, maybe the water could seep in and therefore cause it to weaken? That’s really all I can come up with to justify the notion of “don’t get it wet”. Good luck with your search for the true answer!